Monday, March 14, 2011

Words Go Round Panel Discussion (Part 2)

Question: Elaborate on 2 insights about poetry and Singaporean literature you have gleaned from the panel discussion.

Poetry was not thoroughly discussed throughout the panel discussion, thus I would express my own opinions on it. During the panel discussion, one asked the writers their opinions on the issue that some schools are concentrating more on literature outside of Singapore instead of Singaporean literature, thus he wanted to know the view of the 3 writers if Singaporeans would lose the Singaporean identity if that was to happen. All 3 of them shared the same view that there should be equal importance in both types of literature because Singaporean literature concentrates on Singapore, giving students the Singaporean identity as this particular type of literature concentrates on the current affairs/language/culture in Singapore, however, general literature should not be overlooked as this type of literature could be more in-depth, holding more meaning thus allowing students to have a better understanding of literature. By studying both types of literature, the students would be able to have the Singaporean identity and also how to interpret literature. Poetry, if discussed, would have touched on the differences of Singaporean poetry and general poetry. It is pretty similar to the reasons behind literature, however, general poetry could play a part since it poetry can be written by inspiration of anything. Singaporean poetry tends to look at the culture while general poetry concentrates on a message to be delivered to the audience about a particular issue / thing. Next, I would concentrate on a general question applying to both aspects, what do both types of writing appeal to you, what do they represent/symbolise? This question was mentioned during the panel discussion and the writers replied that these represent life because they are writers, and all form of writings revolves around them. However, what does it mean to a student like me? It represents an interest, a hobby in which we explore and learn as we read through the articles one by one.

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