Monday, August 8, 2011

"This I Believe" --- What are Your Beliefs?

Well, as we come into the middle of term 3, the year is going to end soon and based on my MSG for the last 2 terms, I could be going the wrong way but there has been a new lease of life this term. For the several tests in Chinese and one test in Mathematics, I have gotten A1s and I do hope that run will continue. But I do ask myself: why was there this new change of results this term? Was it that I listened to the teachers’ “famous quotes” from Term 2 and this term? Many teachers have been telling me “Work Smart”, but I really do not know the true meaning of it but this task has allowed me to research on it:

Let me concentrate on points that have more significance:

1.) Create a vision.
From the multiple platforms such as ePortfolio, it is now clearer to me what my vision/mission/aim or motto is, “Work Hard but Work Smart”. One day, I do hope that I will acquire the skills to work smart, thus, change now (words for myself).

2.) Learn from Others
I do have my own ways of revising when tests come but I do not achieve success at all times, it is time for me to look at the methods others use – creating your own notes? No, I am not a spatial learner and I do not want to waste time on creating the notes. Instead, I go through worksheets, find my mistakes and revise or even take the teacher’s handouts to read. But sometimes, those that always create their own notes always seem to get A1s… (sigh)

3.) If it works, stick to it
Sometimes, my method of revision does work but it is time for me to change but not at this stage, especially since my tests are in these 2 weeks (T3W7 & T3W8). Try that method another time, like a pre-test for examinations.

4.) Ask for help
I am one of those that prefer to do things myself and not disturb ourselves (it’s great work ethnic according to the website). But, sometimes, one doesn’t know that he may be going the wrong way. I haven’t been proactive in asking for help, so yet again, do change for the sake of myself (to stay in IP and hold on to the leadership positions)

5.) Stop when you are tired
At times, being hardworking all day may not reap your results and I do get tired at times. I do badly need rest sometimes. But at times, when I just want to finish the homework that needs to be handed up tomorrow, I do start to drink coffee and continue working.

Nevertheless, this blog post could be crucial to me in my future life because it has stated my belief. I do sincerely hope that this blog post could well bring change to me for the next term and excel in the EOYs. Maybe I have gone a little off-task here, with the blog post seeming like a dairy entry and being informal. Sorry about that.

Still – Good Luck for me and ALL and I do take pleasure in writing this meaningful blog post. I do hope to see the essays of my classmates and their beliefs and see what I can learn from there (Point 2.)

Thank You because now, I know the meaning and what to do next. Let this serve as inspiration to me.


  1. I feel that it is really good that you know how to work smart! I know that you have been working really hard but sometimes you just don't get the results that you want. These methods that you listed above are really helpful! Sometimes, practising and practising and practising isn't going to solve the root of the problem. The point about practising is so that you can allow that thought to flow into your mind faster (to think faster). However, if you have no idea on what you are practising on, it is basically useless to practise! Also, I agree that there are different ways to study. Personally for me, I HAVE to create notes. Looking over all my worksheets wouldn't help because I really need a clear view and my worksheets are just a jumbled-up mess of stuff. The point about me creating notes is to organise things in a coherent manner so that I can study better. Find you own way of studying and start excelling by the end of the year!

  2. Thanks Kervin for the excellent advises you have listed in this post. It is indeed helpful in my quest to improve my LA and IH which I have been failing for the past two terms. Although I have tried really hard to pass these subjects, somehow the results would not just go your way. After reading your post, I realized that just plain studying is not going to solve the problem but studying smart is the key which means from now on, I have to slightly twit my studying plan to make sure I study smart and achieve better results in the exams to come.
