Sunday, January 30, 2011

Blog Prompt: Recount on Prejudice

Blog Prompt: Have you ever been part of a group of people that were unkind to one or more individuals? Describe the circumstances. What caused you to behave the way you did? How did you feel then? How do you feel about the circumstances / events in retrospect?

I do admit that I have been prejudiced against other people, being unkind because I am still not mature when being prejudiced against others. In primary school, I can easily see the countless number of prejudice cases, boys working with their own gender, girls working with their own gender which is quite common but as we move on to secondary school or junior college, we work together. The question here is: Is this considered prejudice? I personally feel that it is a minor form of prejudice because primary school children are not yet mature.

The question I would like to pose myself would be: Why were you prejudiced against him/her? Simply, I feel that me being prejudiced against that person because of personality. First, dislike then to prejudice which is name-calling (according to the groups under prejudice) and physical fights and more. I hate his personality: Dirty, Weird & more. Now, maybe I just leave him alone, I will go my own way, you will go your own way, which means we hardly speak. I feel that this is not prejudice, it is a form of avoiding trouble.

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